One of our friend’s daughter and her family live here in Honolulu. She came and picked me up this morning so we could visit. It was so fun! We went to the farmer’s market at Diamond Head and I got a chance to meet her darling little girl who is almost two years old. I got to be “Auntie Sue” and loved it.
Bette stayed in and rested since she wasn’t feeling very good today. Something from the dinner last night didn’t agree with her so having some extra time to sleep was good.
When I came back from my visit with Melissa, I went for a walk down to the beach. This crazy rooster came strutting his stuff along the street across from the condo. He called and had another rooster answering him. He didn’t know how close he was to becoming chicken dinner!There weren’t too many people out yet when I got to the beach. That changed later today!
This afternoon Bette was feeling better so we walked back to the beach to hang out. We went a different way and went past the marina near the Hilton.
There is a lagoon (the Hilton Lagoon) when we got beachside. Lots of local folks were there, too, setting up picnics under the shade of the palm trees.
We circled around and found a spot on the beach. The water was pretty warm and we went in a few times. There were lots of folks actually out snorkeling and on SUPs, too.
We watched this dog for the longest time. She loved swimming – and had on her life jacket. Her owners tossed the tennis ball out and she was off retrieving it, time after time after time! I am sure this pup will sleep well tonight!
I was pretty excited when we were heading back to our condo when I got to have a Facetime call with my granddaughter and her parents. This Nana was missing her a bunch!
Our walk home took us past some interesting flowers. They are crinum lily plants. The Crinum lily plants are poisonous – even just touching them can be toxic. In fact, while they’re called spider lilies, they’re also called poison bulb! We have seen white ones and these reddish-purple ones. Many of the plants grow four-six feet tall!Crinum lily bulbs
We also walked by a hedge row of gardenias. The tiny white flowers are so fragrant, I didn’t want to move!
We fixed dinner in and are planning a quiet night. Tomorrow we are renting a car and cruising to the North Shore. Aloha!
Sue, We have at least 3 big crinum lily plants in our yard. Ours are white. The fragrance is wonderful!
They do smell nice, but I have to admit I like the gardenias better!
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