Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Sunday, February 17, 2019

February 16, 2019 - Pass Christian, Mississippi to 6 miles south of Grand Bay, Alabama

Day 47 Cross Country Bike Trip
Last night after posting the blog we took a short walk down to the beach. Gray overcast skies and lots of “no see-ums” chewing on us made for a short walk!2019-2-15-Pass-Christian-beach_thumbThis beautiful live oak tree with the Spanish moss on it is right next to the parking lot we stayed in. So pretty!2019-2-16-tree_thumb1Tobey started off in the fog and mist this morning. 2019-2-16-morning_thumb1We stopped to read the sign about the music that originated in this area. We were both disappointed that we haven’t been able to go listen to some live music at night. It’s off season and there aren’t many music venues in these small towns!2019-2-16-jazz_thumb1I followed the beach road for most of the morning while Tobey’s route meandered through neighborhoods. I am disappointed there was so much fog – I can only imagine how pretty this drive would be if it were sunny!2019-2-16-foggy-morning_thumb1There are pullouts all along the road, some of which you can actually park overnight. I think it would be pretty noisy, so I am glad we stayed in Pass Christian! I did stop by the lighthouse pier, but as you can see, you CAN’T see the end of the pier!2019-2-16-lighthouse-pier_thumb22019-2-16-lighthouse_thumb3The folks in Mississippi must love their waffles. There were Waffle House Restaurants almost every 2-3 miles along the beach road! All of the parking lots were full!2019-2-16-waffle-housse_thumb1After going through Biloxi, we crossed the bridge into Ocean Springs where we were meeting for lunch. Fog made it look like a bridge to nowhere!2019-2-16-foggy-bridge_thumb2Thirty minutes later when Tobey arrived, most of the fog had burned off and you could see the bridge looking back to the west!2019-2-16-not-so-foggy-bridge_thumb2We both noticed lots of activity going on after we crossed the bridge. After connecting at the Crooked Feather 30 foot-tall Indian head on the frontage road, we went to check out the activities.2019-2-16-crooked-feather_thumb3It turns out that there was going to be a Mardi Gras parade, so we took a long lunch break. It started off as most parades do with the police on motorcycles, a marching band, Shriners in their funny little cars, and floats. 2019-2-16-parade-1_thumb12019-2-16-parade-2_thumb1There is one BIG difference with the Mardi Gras parades. Not much style goes into the floats – it’s all about the beads! They were all tossing out beads, beads, and more beads.2019-2-16-parade-3_thumb12019-2-16-parade-4_thumb12019-2-16-parade-5_thumb12019-2-16-parade-6_thumb1 I got LOTS of beads, a stuffed animal, a Mardi Gras cup, and TWO Moon Pies. We even gave away as many beads to the young children standing near us as I am wearing!! AND – just to be clear, I did NOT flash anything to get the beads…2019-2-16-Sue-mardi-gras_thumb12019-2-16-moon-pie_thumb2Tobey was back on the bike about 2:30 pm after an almost 3 hour break. He had another 30 miles to go, so it was time to pedal! Coming into Pascagoula, Tobey spotted this sign and too a picture for me. My favorite! Good things do come out of Mississippi!!2019-2-16-Jimmy-Buffet_thumb3After taking three weeks to cross Texas, it seemed strange that we were only in Mississippi for two days. This afternoon, we crossed into Alabama!2019-2-16-Alabama_thumb5Tobey rode in a little before 5 this afternoon. We got permission to park at the Dollar General on Highway 188, about 6 miles south and east of Grand Bay, AL.2019-2-16-end-of-day_thumb1Today’s ride was 66.9 miles. This is the link:

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