Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Monday, January 21, 2019

January 21, 2019 - Marfa Lights Viewing Area to Marathon, Texas

Day 21 Cross Country Bike Trip

Tobey and Phil planned to leave by 9:15 this morning but were ready to ride by 8:45 so they got a little earlier start.
They left the Marfa Lights Viewing area and headed east on Highway 90. They had some climbing, but made it to Alpine in just over an hour. We stopped there to do some internet stuff before continuing on.

Along the way there was a roadside sign explaining the types of rock in the area. Some of the area is limestone rock, other lava and volcanic debris. I think they would say that the chip seal on the road is definitely lava!
The railroads played a major role in the expansion and development of our country beginning in the 1800s. We have been following major rail lines for several days and the trains run day and night. I would wager they still play an important role. Marcia counted 102 cars and 4 engines on this train!
The guys finally got some downhill riding near lunchtime and after, but they also started having headwinds.
We made it to Marathon around 2:30 this afternoon and are parking next to the library overnight.
I took a short walk back to the main street to see the Gage Hotel which was built in 1927. It was beautiful inside and out with large gardens, a swimming pool, fountains. Inside there was even a mountain lion!
Next to the library is the Marathon Museum.
It was the first school house in Brewster County, built in 1888. It was used for all public meetings and elections. The Ladies of Marathon Study Club had the building restored in 1928. Unfortunately, it was closed while we were here. This is a nice little town with lots of interesting history.
Today’s ride was 48.65 miles.

This is the link to today’s ride.

This is a link that will show Tobey’s route. He has ridden 1,098.3 miles so far!
On the left side of the map, it shows day by day stop and start points so you can look at each day’s route.
OR you can scroll to the bottom of the day-to-day and there is a box that says “Show all on Map”. If you click that, it will change the map view to show all days traveled so far.

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