Thanks to several of our readers, the birds from yesterday’s blog have been identified. They are Sandhill cranes. The cranes migrate to Arizona and New Mexico in the winter. Good to know!
I also forgot to tell you about a runner that we both saw yesterday. I noticed a young woman running along the highway pushing what looked like a high-tech baby jogging stroller. I slowed down to ask if she was okay and she gave me the thumbs up sign. Not too much later, she and Tobey met (she was running against traffic which is what pedestrians should do!) ANYWAY, they had a conversation and she is RUNNING across the country – from east to west. She uses the stroller to carry all of her gear! She stops at schools and gives presentations to promote the importance of exercise. She runs between 20-30 miles a day! Now that is crazy!!
Day 14 Cross Country Bike Ride
Today Tobey expected to have the wind at his back, but overnight it changed directions and he faced headwinds all day again. The temperature this morning was about 38 when he started off and I don’t think he was too happy!Highway 9 east was the route for the day.
There wasn’t a shoulder, but there also wasn’t much traffic. I commented to Tobey that about the only other vehicles on the road were border patrol trucks or FedEx trucks!
We stopped in Hachita for an early lunch. There isn’t much there – not even cell phone service! This was the view near the town, so I am guessing these are the Little Hatchet Mountains.
We tried drafting again today since Tobey struggled against the wind only being able to go between 6-7 mph. Drafting allowed him to ride about 12 mph! We would draft for a mile or so to give him a break, then he was back to battling the wind. We did this three or four times today. You can see his shadow following me in the rear view mirror!
The wind was blowing the flags at the border patrol station and headed right for Tobey.
About 2-3 miles past the gravel road that runs parallel to the highway is Mexico. There are tires placed all along the gravel roads, sometimes one, sometimes two or three.
While Tobey was riding, one of the agents stopped to make sure he was doing okay. Tobey asked the agent about the tires. He said they drag them along the gravel so they can check for footprints.
We both saw roadrunners along the highway as we approached Columbus, however, Wiley Coyote was nowhere in sight!
After 59 miles of riding, Tobey arrived at Pancho Villa State Park where we will spend two nights. He was smiling – maybe because tomorrow is a rest day!This is camp site for the next two nights. Electricity and water – $14 per night!
The sunset was absolutely amazing. The mountains in the distance are in Mexico!
This is a link that will show Tobey’s route.
On the left side of the map, it shows day by day stop and start points so you can look at each day’s route.
One of the weird things about the map is it lists days 10, 11, etc. after Day 1. Strange thing about Google numbering I guess!
OR you can scroll to the bottom of the day-to-day and there is a box that says “Show all on Map”. If you click that, it will change the map view to show all days traveled so far.
Good to meet you!! I love that Fuji Touring bike.
It was good meeting you, as well. Good luck on your next adventure!
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