Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 17, 2015 - Playa Tecolote

Wow, what a great day! Before breakfast we heard a truck racing up and down the beach and peeked out of the RV to see what was going on. The guy in the left part of the photo had that truck driving in the water, throwing up a big spray of water while he took pictures of it. We managed to catch one of the last runs. He must have been happy with his photos because he hopped in and off they went!

We took a nice walk on the beach later and saw a truck up on the hill overlooking the beach! There is no road up there, he just went up the side of the hill.

We followed the shore around the hill along a narrow stretch of rocky beach. There were lots of pelicans sunning themselves on the rock outcroppings.

After we rounded the point, the beach got a little wider ad we spotted a hawk up on the hill, which was fun to see.

We circled back up the hill and walked a dirt track road back to our beach which gave us some elevation for viewing the bay. The water is so clear and the variation in the water colors is amazing.

Looking from the top of the hill back to our beach, it almost looked deserted. Several rigs had pulled out and it looked like it would be a quiet day.

The quiet day didn’t last! Around 2 pm, a caravan of eight rigs – most of them large, pulled in. Lucky for us, no one parked in front of us, but three pulled in front of the folks just three over from us and parked, blocking a good share of their view to the water. The beach is really long, with lots of space, so it didn’t seem very considerate to us.

Later this afternoon, a German couple who are parked two rigs over invited us, along with three other couples over for cake. It is a wonderful German tradition that we enjoyed whenever we visited our German exchange students, so we readily accepted. It was really fun sharing stories for a couple hours before the wind picked up and it cooled down.

We took a short walk before dinner and played some cards. Tobey is so far ahead on wins that I should give up! Oh well, I keep trying and it is still fun.


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