Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 6, 2016 - Medicine Bow to 3J Ranch

The guys decided to leave about 7:30, so Tobey and I were up about 6:15 because he knew that meant leaving closer to 7:00 am!!! We stowed Bob’s gear in our RV and they were getting everything ready to go. Tobey left at 7:00 and rode back to the museum where he ended his ride yesterday and rode up the highway to meet Phil and Bob near the camping area when they left at 7:15! Again, we passed mile after mile of wind turbines. The wind does blow strong in Wyoming, so what a great way to provide energy!

We stopped 12 miles out and Marcia made pancakes and I had bacon for a breakfast stop. Another 10 miles we had bathroom breaks and they were off again!They had some hill climbing today, but they also got to enjoy a LONG stretch of downhill. They were riding along at a pretty good clip - Tobey maxed out at 36 mph!

We saw some really beautiful country with lots of wildflowers. One field was covered in wild iris.

There was some Indian Paintbrush in the field, also.

We stopped for lunch at the rest area near the Junction of Hwy. 487 and Hwy. 77. The guys decided they were feeling pretty good and want to push on for another 15 to 20 miles. We had mapped out some BLM land so Marcia and I went ahead to check it out.
The spot was fenced and gated, so we drove on to the Red Creek School House a mile down the road. We thought we might park there. The guys came rolling in and we started to set up camp.
A teacher who lives onsite said school was still in session so she would have to check with the school district to see if we could camp there. For school safety reasons, we had to find a new location. She called Jhett, one of the the ranchers next door and he said we could park there, so we moved.
We leveled up and went in search of Jamis, the grandfather living on the ranch. Nice man! We visited with him and told him about the trip and he said we were more than welcome to stay. He told us that he is the 6th generation to live here and that his great grandfather settled this ranch in 1882! I also visited with one of the grandsons. He said they run between 300-400 head of cattle and have several horses on the ranch. After dinner, we walked over and watched as the grandsons were practicing roping for the big state competition coming up this coming weekend.

The horses all loved Marcia because she would give them some of the feed outside the fence!

It has been really great meeting such kind and helpful people along the way.

This is our campsite – we are right across from the horse barn and can hear lots of the cattle bellowing! Today the guys rode 65 miles. Their legs are getting stronger, but I think their butts are getting more sore!

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