Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024 - North Myrtle Beach, NC

It rained and thundered overnight and we woke to overcast skies. We had reservations for a dolphin watch cruise this morning so we hoped for the best! They told us to arrive 30-45 minutes prior to departure (10:30 am) so we did. They were not ready! We waited and waited and about 15 minutes before departure, they finally checked us in. We headed to the top deck and had great seats.

After starting down the channel we passed million dollar house after million dollar house and a private lighthouse!

We came to an interesting bridge that rotated sideways to allow boats to pass through.

Before hitting open water we saw lots of smaller boats, one that look like it might have had a problem as it was sitting sideways, and a fishing trawler.

Then on to the ocean - and HUGE waves. We had to go downstairs before we got there because the captain warned that it was going to be rough and wet - and it was. Charlotte was not very happy about all of the bouncing and rocking motion of the boat. After cruising around and not spotting any dolphins, the captain turned the boat and we circled some rocky outcroppings where the water was smoother, but still no dolphins. Back into the channels, the water was calm and the sun was coming out and everyone had smiles!

We spotted a heron on the shore.
The captain pointed out the osprey nest on one of the channel markers. Mama was there with a couple of babies.
We were back to the dock about 1pm. It was a fun boat ride, but we didn't see any dolphins. BUMMER. At least we got to go on the Starship!
We had lunch at Local, the restaurant next door before heading back to our condo. The sun was out, so ... you guessed it - beach and pool time! Dinner out tonight was Italian, followed by a game of Skip-Bo and Uno-Flip. Everyone had a good day and we're all tired, so goodnight.

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