Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Monday, June 17, 2024

June 11-14, 2024 - Myrtle Beach, SC to Fort Collins, CO

What a whirlwind trip home!

We were on the road from Myrtle Beach by 6am on Tuesday morning heading to Vine Grove, Kentucky. The sun was just coming up!
As we hit the highway, we encountered fog for part of the trip.

We arrived at our friends, Cathy and Jim's house, about 5:30 pm in Vine Grove, Kentucky. We had a nice visit with dinner out before coming back to their place. Wednesday morning, Jim suggested we go to an unusual place for breakfast. We followed them so we could take off from there and wondered what was going on when we pulled into the Toyota dealership. Crazy thing - they have a restaurant in the dealership that serves breakfast and lunches! The food was actually pretty good - eggs, omelets, homemade muffins, and lots of tables for seating!
After breakfast, we were back on the road heading to Gilbertsville, Kentucky to visit friends, Chris and Sue. We enjoyed lunch at a local BBQ place and had a short visit before hitting the road again. We made it to Chesterfield, Missouri where we had a chance to visit with friends, Cathy and Mike. It was good to catch up and enjoyed dinner at a local Mexican restaurant.

On Thursday, we headed to Webster Groves, Missouri and saw Tobey's sister, Patty. We are selling our house there and we spent time going through things with her, deciding what we wanted to keep and what she wanted. It was fast-paced, but we accomplished quite a bit in the five hours we were there. 
Back on the road, we made it to Kansas City before stopping for the night. 

Friday morning we hit the road and made a beeline home to start the process of sorting things that were wet from our pipe break. Turns out it was a valve outside that has to do with the sprinkler system. Tobey replaced it and we should be good. We are still drying out one of the bedrooms but it could have been much worse if it weren't for our great neighbors. We'll be home for a while, so until the next adventure, stay safe!

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