Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 4, 2016 - Ted’s Place to Laramie, Wyoming

We were up by 7:00 and at Ted’s Place when Marcia and Phil arrived at 7:15. Bob arrived a few minutes later and we got his gear stowed in our RV and bikes unloaded in preparation for the ride.

The guys hit the highway just before 8:00 am and were going strong!
It was a beautiful, sunny day! They went about 10 miles and we stopped at The Forks at the intersection of Hwy 287 and County Rd. 74E just to make sure everyone’s bikes were doing okay. Tobey reloaded sunscreen and they were off again. They decided to stop about every 10 miles for short breaks since this was to be the hardest day. Drinks, snacks, and on the way again!
Near Virginia Dale where an old school and restaurant are located (both closed), Bob hit a patch of gravel and wasn’t able to unclip from his pedal. He took a fall, scraping his hand and shoulder. I stopped there and after cleaning up and getting some antibiotic cream, he was off again to catch up with the others. A few more miles down the road we stopped for lunch at the Virginia Dale rest area.

It was a pleasant break and the guys appreciated cool drinks and resting for a while. The wildflowers are blooming and it was really beautiful!

After crossing the border into Wyoming, the wind picked up and in addition to fighting the steep elevation gain, the guys had a head wind. They were NOT happy!
There is still snow on the mountains and there were several areas where patches of snow were along the snow fences!

The last break before Laramie was at Tie Siding. It gave the guys a chance for water and snacks before the final 16 mile stretch into Laramie. We saw lots of pronghorns along the way.We are camping at the Congregational Church in Laramie. We arrived about 3:30. Tobey and I are in the driveway, Phil and Marcia on the street, and Bob’s tent in the yard!
We enjoyed some adult beverages and toasted to a successful first full day! The guys got cleaned up and napped before dinner while Marcia and I took Penny for a walk.

Tobey rode 55 miles today with an average speed of 7.2 mph, and they had an elevation gain of 3859’! He burned 2509 calories. We plan to be on the road again by 8:00 am and our destination is Medicine Bow, Wyoming.

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