Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hot August Nights 2012 - August 4

We were up early and hiked back to take another look at the petroglyphs. They are really well preserved and quite amazing. By 8:30 we knew we needed to get started back to Hwy 191 on that 20-mile gravel road. UGH. We had originally planned to take another gravel loop off Hwy 191 to see the wild horses, but after being jostled for an hour we decided to wait for another time – like someday in the future when they pave the road! It was so rough that the bolts that hold our scooter ramp extension to the RV came off and it bounced off the RV! Fortunately, we heard it scraping and were able to retrieve it. We stopped at a hardware store in Rock Springs and got some bolts that will have to do as a temporary fix until we get home.

We stopped at Bear River State Park in western Wyoming for lunch. There is a really nice walk along the river and Penny was sure the water was fine for swimming.

We found a side channel that wasn’t too deep, but had enough current to warrant keeping her leash on “just in case.” She had a blast chasing sticks and swimming. After 30 minutes of swimming, she was one tuckered puppy this afternoon!

Just across the main channel of the river we spotted this moose. There were lots of willows all along the river on which they feed.
The state also keeps a small herd of bison in the park.
After a brief respite, we were back on the road. We are overnighting at a BLM off-road parking area near Knolls, Utah, about 90 miles west of Salt Lake City.

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