Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Thursday, September 26, 2024

September 25, 2024 - Fort Collins, CO to Lima, Peru

Today was a travel day ... a LONG travel day!

Our alarm went off at 1am today so we were up, showered, and on our way to the Denver Airport by 2:00 am. Car parked at the off terminal parking, dropped at the airport and checking in with Delta Airlines by 4:00am. UGH! We grabbed donuts and milk and were ready to board the plane when it was our turn for our 6:00 am flight. It seemed like a long day already!!
Yes, we wore masks on the plane and going through the airports. We arrived in Los Angeles and had a LONG layover so we had plenty of time to read and catch up on emails. Departure from Los Angeles to Lima was on Latam Airlines at 12:05 pm. We had an 8 hour 40 minute flight from LAX to Lima. We watched movies, read, napped a little and were served two meals which were suprisingly good for airline food! We could see the lights of Lima as we made our descent.

By the time we cleared customs and got our bags it was late. We caught an UBER to our hotel and finally got to our room and ready for bed by 1am. Gosh, that was a 24-hour day! Needless to say, we were tired! I am glad we were able to sleep in on Thursday. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, just enjoy! Love you both.