Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Monday, September 30, 2024

September 29, 2024 - Arequipa to Colca, Peru

We took off from the hotel by 8:00 am this morning with lots of stops on our way to Arequipa. Before we left, Tobey and I had noticed lots of Lions Club signs as we came into town. There was a park across the street from our hotel and these signs all around, so we are counting this as visiting a Lions Club in Peru!

Our first stop in Arequipa was a local market. It was huge and had shops on two levels and outside, as well.
Check out the size of those strawberries!

We did not buy any chicken, but it was available in many shapes!

We had a chance to try a local fruit, chirimoya. It is also known as a custard apple. It was like a cross between an apple and a pear. The chirimoy is the green one, the pepino is striped.

Then we tried a pepino melon which are related to tomatoes and peppers and grown on evergreen shrubs. They tasted like a cross between a cantaloupe and honeydew melon. Tobey is holding the pepino.

Stocking the shelves!
After an interesting stop at the market we were back on the bus and our local guide, Jose, continued sharing information about the area with us.

Most of the local people are working 48 hours a week (6 day week) and earn about $280 USD a MONTH!

Peru is divided politically into 24 departments (states) and in the Departamento of Arequipa there are 29 townships. There are about 1 million people in the urban area of Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru. Its metropolitan area includes 21 districts, including the central area which is the seat of the city governnment. It is also an important industrial and commercial center of Peru.

Here are more views as we left the city. This outdoor city market went for blocks!

We saw lots of tuk tuks which can be used as local taxis.

We crossed the river on our way out of town.
There are several large cement plants just outside of Arequipa.

This weird grid below is the layout for a community. If so much of this looks like desert, it is. This is part of the Atacama Desert, the dryest "non-polar" place on earth. The annual rainfall is about 4 inches!
We continued through different regions, this area had cacti vegetation.
Later we crossed into an area with grasses.

The roads are narrow and very winding.

You could see areas where irrigation takes place!
Soon we were in Las Bicuñas National Reserve. The vicuna is one of the two wild South American camelids which live in the high alpine area of the Andes. There are about 300,000 vicunas in Peru and we saw some as we were driving to our lunch stop. Their life expectancy is about 14 years. The local people are allowed to catch them and shave them for their fur. One Kilogram of vicuna fiber is worth about $300USD, but it takes MANY vicunas to get that much.

Lunch break view

We stopped for a box lunch break then back on our way to Mirador de los Andes for our volcano overlook. The first picture below is a llama enclosure. The local people raise llamas and put them in the enclosures when then get ready to shear them.
Llamas and alpacas are often raised together.

We finally arrived at the Mirador (overlook). No one warned us that it was 16,203 feet! We definitely felt light headed and a bit woozy!

We could see one of the volcanoes in the distance spouting steam.

Lots of rocks were piled up by local people, as well as tourists.

This little girl was at one of the booths helping her mom.

I was glad to get back on the bus because I was NOT feeling good. I ended up with a terrible headache and upset stomach and we still had MILES to go before we got to the Colca Canyon and out hotel. We went from Arequipa on the lower right hand corner of the map up to Chivay on that winding road!

I snapped a few pictures before I pulled my hat over my head and closed my eyes for the rest of our journey!
Chivay terraces

Once we checked into our hotel, Aranwa Pueblito Encantado del Colca, we changed into our bathing suits and went to the hot springs just outside the hotel. They were okay and was nice to relax. Fortunately, we had time for showers before dinner at 7pm. Some tylenol and rest and more water seemed to do the trick! Tomorrow morning is another early start - wake up call at 5:45 am!

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