Travel with Tobey and Sue

Travel with Tobey and Sue
Tobey and Sue in Africa

Saturday, September 15, 2018

September 15, 2018 Allenspark to Fort Collins, CO

It was time to pack up and head back to Fort Collins today. After breakfast, we did the housekeeping and loaded our cars. Tobey, Penny, and I decided to drive the Peak-to-Peak Highway back to Fort Collins so we could enjoy the fall colors.

We stopped a few times between Allenspark and Nederland to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The aspen were definitely in full glory! Beyond Nederland, entering the Boulder Canyon on Hwy. 119, the colors were not quite ready, but it is still a beautiful drive. We stopped to let Penny have a brief walk in Boulder Creek. Water levels are SO LOW, the drought in Colorado is evident.

We watched a couple guys rock climbing before getting back on our way. It certainly isn’t a sport I want to learn!

So we are home and unpacked. It wasn’t Myrtle Beach, but we had a great time and are safe and dry!

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