It was an early morning wake-up call – 5:30 am! Yikes!!! We finished our packing and were ready to go when Ricardo, our taxi driver arrived at 6:40 to take us to the bus station. This is our bus, ready to leave at 7:10 this morning.There is room for three buses at the station.
As we left town, we had our last looks at town.
There wasn’t any traffic this early!
We arrived at the airport and had a three hour wait before our flight because of the bus schedule. Fortunately, there was a priority lounge so we could hang out there and grab some lunch.
We had pretty uneventful flights from Cancun to Houston, then another four hour layover, and Houston to Phoenix. Bags reclaimed and an Uber back to our Mom’s house by 9pm – which would be 11 pm in Cancun. Needless to say, we were tired!
We will spend a week here in Arizona before heading back to Colorado. It was a great trip, but it is good to be back and see our moms and our sweet dog, Penny!